

Counterfeit Gold Bars

June 9, 2016 by Buy-Gold.Link in Bullion Bars, Gold, Precious Metal Investing - 1 Comment

When we think of counterfeit goods, things like fake Gucci bags, fake-branded T-shirts and shoes at an open-air market in Thailand, iPhone imitations from China and so on usually come to mind. Of course, there is also counterfeit money (e.g. North Korea used to be good at producing fake Dollars), but who has ever heard ... Continue reading

Rare Gold Coins – King Otto Marks

May 18, 2016 by Buy-Gold.Link in Gold, Rare Coins - No Comments

Rare gold coins don’t have a special section on the Buy-Gold.Link website yet. For now, the site focuses on introducing the most common gold bullion coins. If you’re American, you probably heard of American Gold Eagles many times before. American Gold Buffaloes are still much less known however, even though they are made out of ... Continue reading

Gold Coins with Iconic Imagery

April 7, 2016 by Buy-Gold.Link in Gold - No Comments

Coins became precious and rare collectibles because they speak volumes through the ages. It is not only their material value that matters but also the history and diverse knowledge they hold. With gold coins, there is a fascinating blend of precious metal and iconic imagery that adds interesting layers. Lady Liberty on American Gold Eagles ... Continue reading
